May 2024

May brought us our usual AGM and auction and with it two nominations for Honorary Life Membership.

The Chairman presented two life memberships this year to members who have worked tirelessly for the club for many years.

The first was Brenda Bailey who has worked alongside Fred as his fellow membership secretary for the past 12 years collecting and distributing out lanyards and keeping everybody in check.

The other member who also does a remarkable job for the club is Malcolm Cole. Malcolm doubles up as temporary trading secretary, answering many enquiries, and selling old stock on eBay. He does all this along with his other responsibilities as programme secretary and vice chairman.

The members at the AGM all approved and congratulated Brenda Bailey and Malcolm Cole becoming honorary life members.

The other award on the day was presented to Graham Mytton who has worked on behalf of Save the Children Charity for many years and has managed to accumulate a great amount of money for the charity. He has also been a major part of Bookham Stamp Club, and indeed was the Chairman from 2011 to 2013. The Chairman acknowledged Graham’s sterling efforts and presented him the annual Norman Frost Salver.